Terrestrial Mapping

As build inventory

Point clouds in themselves show a site’s current state. Interpreting and modelling these point clouds into classified building elements that can be manipulated within CAD or 3D design software, permits intelligent inventory of an asset. The extent of detail shown in these inventories is only limited by the requirements of the project. In some projects, only the bounding geometries of floors, ceilings and walls are required. Other feature classifications require inventory of all types of physical element that can be seen onsite, either temporary or permanent. Elements that commonly need to be included in as-built models used for planning renovations include ducts and vents and mechanical rooms. During construction electrical and plumbing installations may be inventoried prior to the finishing stage of a building project. 

As the first company to Poland to use laser scanning technology and working with industry-standard design software such as Autodesk’s Revit, the DEPHOS Group technicians have the tools and skillset to compile 3D as-built inventories at all stages of a building’s lifecycle. These can be delivered to standard CAD formats for use in onward BIM processes related to the design and maintenance of that building or another physical asset.